How Does Scheduling Work?
The office hours for Dental Surgeons of Fall River are typically Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The Dental Surgeons of North Dartmouth office hours are usually the same. Hours may be changed during the year per scheduling demands.
We will attempt to schedule your appointments as soon and as convenient as possible. Patients who are in pain are usually accommodated that day if possible.
We do not double book appointments and do make every attempt to stay on time during the day so that you can be seen at your appointed time. However, due to the nature of our specialties, we may have patients referred to us who are in pain that we will see promptly. We are still mindful of everyone’s important daily schedule and will not keep you waiting unnecessarily.
To schedule an appointment or for any questions you may have please contact us by calling either our Fall River office at (508) 672-1069 or our North Dartmouth Office at (508) 992-0339.
What to Expect at Your Initial Appointment
Your first appointment in our office will usually consist of an examination and discussion of the planned treatment or other options. This is a requirement for anyone planning to have their treatment performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia. Some routine procedures can be performed at the initial appointment. This is determined based on medical history and nature of the procedure. It is important to give us accurate information when we schedule your appointments to ensure your safety and appropriate scheduling. More complex or lengthy procedures warrant secondary appointments to allow adequate planned recovery time.
What to Bring to Your Appointment
To make your first and subsequent appointments most efficient, please bring the following to your first appointment:
Any referral slips that your dentist or physician has given to you along with any x-rays they provided. We may need to take additional x-rays for appropriate diagnosis and evaluation.
Any medical and dental insurance cards you have plus a picture I.D.
If you have any helpful medical information such as medication lists, doctor’s phone numbers etc., please bring them as well. We will make a copy so you can keep the original.
You may bring anyone that might be involved with your care to your appointments. All patients under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian during all appointments.
We understand that patients are usually very nervous about these types of procedures. That is why we pride ourselves on making this a good experience for you. We will take the time to explain everything to you before, during and after your treatment to help you have that good experience and a quick recovery.